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Lymphatic Cleanse - Ocotillo Flower Tea

Lymphatic Cleanse - Ocotillo Flower Tea

Regular price $65.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 USD
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Lymphatic Cleansing Tea

The Ocotillo (Fouquieria Splendens) is an amazing desert species of plant. The slow growing, drought tolerant Ocotillo is found flourishing in arid desert like conditions throughout the southwestern United States, North Mexico and Baja. It can comfortably grow in elevations up to 5500 feet as well as at sea level. 

Its slender, spiny branches, which remain mostly leafless until rain prompts quick sprouting, are topped with bright red tubular flowers that attract hummingbirds and bees. Blooms are predominantly found in the late spring, but sometimes also in the middle to late autumn season. 

 Its size can range from a few feet to 20+ feet with dozens of branches that extend from a woody shallow root mass. Believe it or not, even with its spines, the Ocotillo is more closely related the blueberry than any of its cactus neighbors. The Ocotillo is the wacky wavy inflatable tube arm guy of the desert.

The Ocotillo has been used by indigenous people for its healing properties by incorporating several of its different components(flowers, bark, leaves) in practical applications, including health, spiritual and ceremonial. 

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